Saturday, March 21, 2020

CoronaVirus prayer.

Dear Heavenly father,
Please help the people who have the coronavirus.
Please help the people of China in Wuhan.
The people in countries that have coronavirus are suffering please
protect them my lord, you are their guard.
Bless the people who have already died and pleace lead them to

Yours Truely Aadirai.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


This is my Lent poster. Almsgiving is when you give the poor people food to eat or money to give.
          Fasting is when you don't eat meat at all and Prayer means that when you pray for some

The treaty of waitangi

                                          This is my google drawing of The treaty of waitangi.
                                           It tels you facts about of the treaty of waitangi story.
                                            The  treaty of waitangi was signed on the 6th of
                                         February and the people who signed it was the British
                                                   settlers, the Maori chiefs and the Europeans

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My Thinglink

                              This is my Tinglink on my duelity map.One part of my duelity map is about                                   India and the other part of it is New Zealand
                              My duelatiy map reprasents the Indian dances, National animal of India,                                      India's  flag, New Zealand flag, New Zealand food and national animal of                                  New Zealand.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A treaty is a formally written document/contract that was
signed in
1840 6th February.
The treaty of waitangi was signed by the Maori chiefs,
British settlers
and by European.
Over 500 men signed the treaty including women,
but 39 did not sighed
the treaty.
A man called William Hobson was involved with the treaty.

A man called henry William and his son Edward translated
the treaty
to a Maori version.