Aadirai’s Journey to New Zealand
I was born in the United Kingdom. Me and my family came to New Zealand in 2014. We came to New Zealand because my Dad was offered a job at Auckland City Hospital to work as a doctor here. We didn’t have family here, but we had friends in New Zealand. We chose New Zealand instead of staying in the United Kingdom because we wanted to try a new place to stay in. Another reason is that Australia and New Zealand gave an offer for a job, so my Dad compared both countries to see which one was better for the job, to stay in and which countries were better to raise children in. It seemed like New Zealand was the best place to live in than Australia. We traveled to New Zealand by plane. Our stops on the way to New Zealand were Singapore and Australia. It took us 24 hours to get to New Zealand from the United Kingdom. I was only three and a half when I got to New Zealand. My brother was only eleven years old. We ended up staying in Auckland because that’s where my Dad’s job was. A friend of my Dad’s came and picked us up from Auckland airport. He showed us places in Auckland for a while. After he showed us around he dropped us to a motel to stay, until we got our own house. The difference between New Zealand and the United Kingdom is that the United Kingdom is bigger and the weather there is freezing cold, but in New Zealand the weather is much more pleasant. Another difference is that there are more beaches here in Auckland than in the United Kingdom. There is more greenery here in New Zealand too. We weren’t home sick because we were excited to come here. New Zealand was a place that we had never been to before. My parents missed their friends from the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom was the country where I went to my first school. We haven’t been to the United Kingdom again. We are hoping to go there again one day because it is my birth place.
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